League news
This section will provides details of general news for clubs and their members. For example,
rule changes for the new season and regular updates from the Secretary.- 03-09-2024: The system is being readied for the 2024 - 2025 season. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 27-08-2023: The system is being readied for the 2023 - 2024 season. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 08-09-2022: The system is being readied for the 2022 - 2023 season. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 07-03-2022: Bourne End One Day Congress.
This is running on Sunday 10th April 2022 *Sunday before Easter)
Emtry forms will be circulated ro club secretaries. Anfy Smith (apstubs@aol.com) will be taking entries, including by email.
- 23-10-2021: The system is being readied for the 2021 - 2022 season. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 23-10-2021: The system is being readied for the 2021 - 2022 season. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 21-07-2019: The system is being readied for the 2019 - 2020. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 13-07-2019: As League Secretary I give formal notice of the Berkshire Chess Association Annual General Meeting to be held as follows :
Monday, August 19th, 2019
Reading Chess Club, New Hope Centre
95, York Road
The meeting will gather at 7.15pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. Please allow good time for parking.
If you wish to raise any matter requiring notice (e.g. a rule change) it would be helpful to let me know by 19th July.
ALL matters to be discussed at the AGM will appear on the Agenda. Any AOB items are required to be submitted by the same time scale.
The agenda for the AGM will be circulated is to be found at
The minutes of the 2018 AGM may be found at
All trophies have been returned and are being engraved for presentation at the AGM.
Enjoy your summer should it occur.
- 10-06-2019: The Berkshire Chess Association regrets to announce the passing of Newbury Chess Club stalwart, Keith Savoy. Keith had been unwell for some time and passed away on April 25th 2019 in The Royal Berkshire Hospital.
- 04-06-2019: The 2018 - 2019 season completed on May 31st 2019 and all competitions are decided. Congratulations to all the winners and all players taking part.
- 13-09-2018: Fixtures for the 2018 - 2019 season are now published. Good luck to all for the new season !
- 22-08-2018: The system is being readied for the 2018 - 2019. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 31-01-2018: For setting DGT 2010 Digital Clocks to the Berkshire move rates of 80 minutes with 10 second increments, use option 18. Set the initial time to 1 hour, 20 minutes and 10 seconds with the 10 second increment. You need only do this once as the settings will be remembered.
- 12-09-2017: The cup draw was made at the fixtures meeting
Henley v Reading
Maidenhead v Camberley
Bracknell v Bourne End
Crowthorne v Basingstoke
- 22-08-2017: The system is being readied for the 2017 - 2018. We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator.
- 31-05-2017: The 2016 - 2017 season completed on July 31st 2017 and all competitions are decided.
Congratulations to all the winners and all players taking part.
- 28-08-2016: The system is being readied for the 2016 - 2017.
We await fixtures from the Fixtures Coordinator following the fixtures meeting.
- 01-09-2015: Welcome to the new season!
- 31-05-2015: The 2014 - 2015 season has now completed. Congratulations to the various winners! See you in September!
- 15-01-2015: Reading B have withdrawn from division one. In due course their results will be removed and league tables compiled without them.
- 16-09-2014: Welcome to a new season!
- 31-05-2014: The 2013 - 2014 season has now completed. Congratulations to the various winners! See you in September!
- 26-11-2013: With regret, Wellington College have withdrawn from the Berkshire League. Any matches played to date will be annulled but will be submitted for grading providing the WC players are registered.
- 04-09-2013: Fixtures received, imported and uploaded.
- 20-08-2013: The system is being readied for the new season which starts in September 2013
- 31-05-2013: The 2012 - 2013 season has now completed. Congratulations to the various winners! See you in September!
- 05-02-2013: It is with regret that Crowthorne Chess Club withdraws its' D Team from Division 2 of the Berkshire League. Apologies to any other teams inconvenienced by this action.
- 05-09-2012: Fixtures for the 2012 - 2013 season have been added.
- 01-11-2011: Sandhurst Chess Club regretfully announce the withdrawal of their A team from Division 1 and apologise to all other teams for any inconvenience caused.
- 13-09-2010: The 2010 - 2011 season has now started.
- 31-05-2010: The 2009 - 10 season has now completed. Could all Captains confirm out match cards as yet unconfirmed and bring to my (john.upham@zen.co.uk) attention any match card errors?
- 04-06-2009: The 2008 - 9 season has now completed. Could all Captains confirm out match cards as yet unconfirmed and bring to my (john.upham@zen.co.uk) attention any match card errors?
- 03-06-2009: Congratulations go to Camberley Chess Club for winning the Mick Tarrant Trophy (the Knockout competition over six boards). Ca overcame Bourne End in a close final 4-2.
- 21-05-2009: Congratulations go to Crowthorne Chess Club for their most popular and exciting victory over Sandhurst in the ten board, Premier Precision Cup final. Despite registering two new players (one ninety minutes before the match itself) they were only able to muster three GMs and one new Sandhurst IM (Thomas Rendle) to take on the amateur team from Crowthorne. Crowthorne beat Sandhurst 6 -4 and win the Cup for the fourteenth time since its 1966 inception.
- 14-05-2009: Congratulations go to Sandhurst Chess Club for winning the FS Woolford Trophy. They have now won all divisions of the Berkshire League.
- 07-05-2009: Congratulations go to Sandhurst for winning Division One for the first time. They won all of their matches without being troubled by the amateur teams opposing them.
- 06-05-2009: Congratulations go to Sandhurst for winning Division Three for the first time. Their margin of victory will be at least two match points.
- 09-09-2008: The BCA web site has been readied for the new season.
- 03-06-2008: Congratulations go to Sandhurst on winning the Premier Precision Trophy on their first attempt. Despite having a weakened team of only two professional Grandmasters, they were able to bring in three new players, all of whom were titled on the night.
- 03-06-2008: The 2007 / 2008 season has now completed. Congratulations to all Division and Knockout competition winners.
- 22-05-2008: Congratulations are due to Sandhurst B who win Division three for the first time from Bourne End B. Their very strong team would have easily challenged for the division two title had they entered that division.
- 06-05-2008: Congratulations are due to Camberley A who retain the Division 1 Championship after a season long battle with Sandhurst A.
Despite fielding three professional GMs in their team, Sandhurst never recovered from an early season loss to Newbury.
- 29-04-2008: Congratulations are due to Camberley B who won the Division two title and are promoted to Division one.
- 09-04-2008: Congratulations go to Maidenhead who overcame Basingstoke to win the Mick Tarrant Jubilee Plate 4 - 2.
- 15-11-2007: I regret to inform you that Telecom is going to have to withdraw its team from Div 2. The reason is basically a lack of players. Despite
getting a four man team out for the first game against Crowthorne, we
have been unable to find any more players than those four. As one of these is regularly playing veteran's squash on a Monday, the
likelihood is that we would end up
fielding teams of 2 or 3. It seems unfair on other teams to be turning up all the time with less than a full team.
Keith Farrington
- 10-09-2007: The season is due to start on September 17th.
- 01-06-2007: The playing season has now ended. Congratulations to all clubs who performed as they wished to. Thanks to all Captains who submitted Match Cards directly to the Web Site.
- 31-05-2007: Congratulations to Reading B who win the Mick Tarrant Jubilee Plate.
- 30-05-2007: Camberley A complete a clean sweep of Division One with a win over Bracknell A. Can anyone recall the last season in which there was a clean sweep in Division One?
- 21-05-2007: Congratulations go to Bourne End beating Crowthorne A on board count to win the Premier Precision Trophy.
- 30-04-2007: Congratulations to Crowthorne C who win Division 3 ahead of Basingstoke C.
- 10-04-2007: Congratulations to Camberley A who win Division 1 with an unbeaten score. They have one more match versus Bracknell A.
- 02-04-2007: Congratulations to Maidenhead B who win Division 2.
- 01-01-2007: Happy New Year to one and all!
- 23-10-2006: The Maidenhead A team is withdrawing from Division 1 of the Berkshire & District Chess League with immediate effect.
The reason for this is that the only individuals who would be prepared to
take on the job of captain are not willing to play compulsory speed finishes.Tony Milnes
- 14-10-2006: Brand new web site goes live. The old site is still available from the main menu. Captains may now upload match cards, modify fixture dates, confirm match card and a bunch of new functions. More to come! Feedback is very welcome.
- 10-09-2006: Welcome, once more, to a new season!
- 01-03-2006: Camberley top board, IM Andrew Martin launches online coaching service via the Andrew Martin Chess Academy. All League players are invited to register for free