League updates
This section will provides details of updates to the functionality of this site. For example,
bug fixes from the Web Site Manager.- 03-09-2024: Now using version 1.2024.09 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 27-08-2023: Now using version 1.2023.08 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 08-09-2022: Now using version 1.2022.09 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 23-10-2021: Now using version 1.2021.10 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 23-10-2021: Now using version 1.2021.10 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 22-07-2019: Now using version 1.2019.6 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 22-08-2018: Now using version 1.2018.5. Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 22-08-2017: Now using version 1.93.4. Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 27-08-2016: Now using version 1.93.3. Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 02-01-2016: Now using version 1.93.1 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 09-10-2015: Now using version 1.92.6 Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 06-08-2015: Now using version 1.92. Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 26-12-2013: Now using version 1.83. Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 29-07-2013: Now using version 1.80. Please report any bugs to john.upham@zen.co.uk
- 17-08-2012: The BCA web site is being made ready for the 2012 - 2013 season.
- 16-08-2010: The BCA web site is being made ready for the 2010 - 2011 season.
- 11-09-2009: The BCA web site has been made ready for the new season. The Fixtures have been added. Please check the club and team captain information is correct.
- 09-09-2008: The BCA web site has been readied for the new season.
We currently await the fixture list from the League Controller to upload to the database.
- 08-09-2007: This site has been updated for the new season. The fixtures list will be on-line following the fixtures meeting as will the list of nominated players.
- 20-03-2007: Using information received from Nigel Dennis, the archive of past
Trophy Winners has been updated to include the QuickPlay Championship.
- 27-01-2007: Fixtures for the Premier Precision Cup competition have been added.
- 17-10-2006: All database tables now populated and updated for the current season. First two results received via Captains directly. Captains are asked to upload their own results and manage their own players via management interface.
- 09-10-2006: Web Site databases being populated and updated for new season.
- 09-10-2006: Web Site being given overhaul for new season including brand new management functionality for Captains and Officials.
- 08-10-2006: Once this site is signed-off from test status to production status then this page will provides details of changes to the site.