Player information: David Thomas (2013 - 2014 season)

Listed below are details for David Thomas who has yet to play in a match during the 2024 - 25 season:

Personal information
Club Camberley
ECF rating code 179522D
ECF membership code
Standard-play rating 1765, E
Rapid-play rating 1390, *
National Federation en.png
BCA first registered 01-09-2006
BCA registration status Yes
2023-24 season 7 matches
2022-23 season 4 matches
2021-22 season 2 matches
2018-19 season 1 match
2017-18 season 1 match
2016-17 season 13 matches
2015-16 season 3 matches
2014-15 season 8 matches
2013-14 season 8 matches
2012-13 season 5 matches
2011-12 season 5 matches
2010-11 season 2 matches
2009-10 season 5 matches
2008-9 season 2 matches
2007-8 season 3 matches
2006-7 season 10 matches
2013 - 2014 season performance statistics
Date Match Division Type SP/RP Opponent Board Result
21-10-2013 Crowthorne B vs Camberley B Division One Online SP George DA Green es1825C five draw
04-11-2013 Maidenhead C vs Camberley C Division Three Online SP Neil Dickinson s1660* three loss
25-11-2013 Crowthorne C vs Camberley C Division Three Online SP Peter Davey s1668* three draw
04-02-2014 Camberley C vs Eton College B Division Three Online SP Xavier Gordon-Brown es1615* five win
10-02-2014 Bracknell A vs Camberley C Division Three Online SP Kevin Halmkan s1563E three loss
27-03-2014 Reading D vs Camberley C Division Three Online SP David C Maddock s1488* three draw
29-04-2014 Camberley B vs Sandhurst A Division One Online SP Nick JA Pelling s1795* six loss
27-05-2014 Camberley C vs Crowthorne C Division Three Online SP Christine Coates s1338E five win
Performance summary for 2013 - 2014 season
Number of standard-play games: 8
Standard-play performance:  +2  =3  -3  = 43.8%  (with all games completed)